
Posts Tagged ‘Protests’


Over the course of the semester students have been standing up and speaking out against the grievous attacks to education. As one final push before the end of the semester, the Coalition For Education will be holding a march to the Capitol to demand that the needs of students and working people do not take a back seat to the greed of the wealthy few.

When: Thursday, April 21 · 12:00pm – 3:00pm

Where: Meet at FSU Union Green

Facebook Event

Fight Back Florida – Pictures from Kleman Plaza 03/25/2011



















SB830 Hearing draws protest

By Mike C

On Monday, labor, activists, and students staged a silent demonstration to Senate Bill 830 outside of the committee meeting on the piece of legislation.  The bill would remove the right for unions to collect dues directly via paycheck and prohibit unions from being able to spend dues money on political activity.  Considering Florida is a “Right-to-Work” state, Union membership itself is fully voluntary, and dues collection is itself something union members agree to.  This is an all out assault on working class institutions and an attempt, just like in Wisconsin, to curb working class voices.

The protest was organized by labor leaders in an effort to demonstrate how workers voices would be silent, and along with the upcoming session that promises to be full of anti-worker legislation, many are beginning to ask if Florida will be the new Wisconsin or Ohio.  Like in those states, it’s time for workers to build a fight back movement!

Recent events in Tally: Egypt Solidarity Demonstration, Pro-Choice Demonstration, Immigrant Rights hearing

February 17, 2011 1 comment

By Mike C

There were a few events of interest in Tallahassee in the past week or so that should be noted:

Egypt Solidarity Demonstration 2/5/11

About a week an a half ago, a small crowed comprised of many TSO members stood at the Capitol to show their support for the Egyptian revolution.  The demonstration was a last minute call for a rainy day and was well received by those driving by on the crowded intersection of Apalachee Parkway and Monroe St.

The demonstration was covered by the newspaper of the Florida A&M University, the FAMUAN:

It was a cold and rainy Saturday afternoon as protesters assembled on the Capital Lawn carrying handwritten signs reading, “Freedom in Egypt” and “We Support Egypt.”

Local residents and organizations held a solidarity rally to express their support for freedom in Cairo.

Anti-government protests, demanding economic and political changes, began in Egypt on Jan. 25.

Since then, tens of thousands of people are filling the streets of Cairo and other cities and have called for President Hosni Mubarak to resign after 30 years in power.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” a famous quote by Martin Luther King, Jr., helps to define one of the many reasons why American protesters are voicing their opinions.

“It should affect us all as Americans because it is what a truly American concept is about putting in a democracy,” said Alla Hadi, an Egyptian-American attending Florida State, whose family, and friends that are worried about what is going on in Egypt.

“We have to voice our support.”

This demonstration was held the same weekend as demonstrations across the country, from California, to New York City, Washington, DC. and South Florida all held similar events, as well as other Southern cities like New Orleans. (For more information on other demonstrations, check out the ANSWER Coalition’s article)

Public Hearing on Racist Immigration Bill 2/7/11

On February 7th, a public hearing was held to discuss the possibility of the introduction of a bill similar to the now infamous  racist “SB1070” Arizona law that promotes racial profiling.  As the Florida Progressive Coalition Blog reports, 90 percent of the speakers at the hearing were opposed to the prospect of such a bill with only 2 people speaking in favor of it during the entire event.  Folks came from all over the state to voice their opposition to the bill as well as people from Tallahassee.

Here’s one example of the opposition voiced during the hearing:

Pro-Choice Action 2/17/11

Last but certainly not least was the recent visit to the Florida State campus by a group that attempts to equate abortion to genocide.  Florida State students organized a counter demonstration to show that groups that go around attacking womens’ rights are not welcome on their campus and that opposition will be loud and heard.  Chants like “When choice is under attack, What do we do? Stand Up, Fight Back!” were heard in a busy section of the FSU campus while those promoting their anti-choice message were attempting to spread their message of hate.

While the group that was traveling by may seem like a fringe group in its message, their visit to Tallahassee comes at a time when abortion rights are under attack by the Right-wing in America (including attempts to limit access, attacking Planned Parenthood).

The pro-choice counter-demonstrators outnumbered those anti-choice by dozens, and stayed until the anti-choice folks packed up for the day, opposition to their second day is expect as well.  The student newspaper is also expected to run a story on the event.